What's everyone working on this week (40/2017)?

New week new Rust! What are you folks up to?

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Polishing my STM32 firmware project in preparation for the next large milestone (support for thread cutting on a manual lathe).

I've polished and published to crates.io three libraries I developed while working on the project (as much as it is possible given that those libraries are only used in one project!):

  • lcd, library implementing HD44780 protocol
  • stm32-hal, HAL-like library for STM32 device crate (only stm32f103xx is currently supported). At this moment, provides extra APIs for GPIO and FLASH.
  • eeprom, EEPROM emulation with Flash memory (uses idea from AN2594 Application Note)
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I'm started with rust some Werks ago and now trying to create my own database driver using low level tcp for MySQL. (Just a learning Project )

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I do some refactorings on clerk:

  • better types (e.g. Character + upper and lower nibbles, Level, ...)
  • remove dependencies to std (already done)
  • write_message

I will also try to add some new features:

  • feature flags for hardware dependent functions (e.g 4/8 data line mode, read-only/read-write, and so on)
  • 8bit mode

Help and suggestions are always welcome.

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