What's everyone working on this week (3/2025)?

New week, new Rust! What are you folks up to?

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Just learning rust here (coming from C++ as well as some functional programming experience) :slight_smile:

Recently finished The Book and the Rustlings exercises and now building a little command-line application to do some simple image processing.

After that I think I'd like to build an audio plugin using the nih-plug crate (I build such plugins in C++ already, and would love to see how it works in Rust!).

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Similar, learning for some time. This week finishing Exercism Rust Exercises

Then want to do some Backend related projects from roadmap or one practical project at work: replace Python FastAPI backend with ActixWeb to interact with multiple embedded devices via Modbus.

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I'm trying to practice to feel more comfortable with this language that I love. I would like to find a new job where I can use it.
I tested rust with webassembly and as a server.
I'm trying to make a sudoku, even if it already exists, just to practice.
Later, I would like to try to see what it can give with video games (Canvas and Unreal).

And you ? ^^

Half year ago I was trying Bevy for gamedev. It was quite fun especially with Entity Based System Bevy relies on.

Sudoku can be quite challenging. Recently I was doing some dynamic programming backtracking exercises and came across sudoku related papers - it is not easy to solve sudoku, and even harder to generate new with fixed gradation. What goal do you have?

I am curious about using design pattern with rust.
I am working of the generation of a grid to start with sudoku.
Thank you to mention Bevy. I did not know about it.

I would like to create a kind of hockey trainning game. It would select exercice according to what you already done in the week.

I'm working on a compressed packaging binary/lib, that uses delta encoding to minimize the size of updates, but also allow one to efficiently store multiple versions of one piece of software.

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I've only wrote one solver, but it was simple enough. Given the constraints anyway -- if unambiguous advancement is always possible, there's no need to backtrack.

I haven't looked into generation though.

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