What type does service take in for the actix web library?

I have this test code:

let app = test::init_service(

I want to be able to abstracted it into something like this:

async fn make_app<T: ???>(routes: Vec<T>) -> WebService {

I looked at the documentation, and found it took a value with the trait: IntoPatterns, but I can't seem to import it.

Edit: I should have taken a closer look at the documentation. I would need the actix_router library, I would assume

You are looking at the wrong docs. That's a free function, not the service method of App. That's here and it takes an HttpServiceFactory. The implementors of which are also enumerated in the documentation of that trait.


You want to use App::configure for abstracting App creation into it's own function that you can share between your tests and main function, for example:

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What do you mean by free function? Also can service take in a vector of HttpServiceFactory and how do you return an app? Sorry for all these questions

Why would my make_app function not work? Is it just how actix is setup?

A “free” function is not a method of any type or trait (that is, it is not defined inside of an impl). It is just a standalone fn item.

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thank you

Seems like you are able to get make_app to work. I was sure that it would only work for vectors with a single route (i.e. because web::resource("/test").to(|| async { "OK" }) has a distinct type from web::resource("/test2").to(|| async { "OK" }), but that is not the case).

As I was saying in my previous reply though, returning an App from a function is impossible, because AppEntry is private and you can't instantiate App other than through App::new. That's what App::configure is for.

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Thank you for the help.

I know this a bit old, but I found an issue with the function. Would you happen to know how to solve the issue?

The issue:
For my request, I return a web::Json object which has to implement Responder instead of the http response in your example. I tried making a vector of those routes (eg. vec![getUser, createUser, registerUser]), but it would defer its type to the first element in the vector (eg. let routes: getUser = ...). I tried making the vector with [web::resource("/test").to(registerUser), ....], but I am getting issues that it doesn't implement handler.
If you have any questions or want a more explicit coding example, please let me know.
Thank you again for all the help if you have been.

Please provide a minimal example, I can't reproduce your problem. This compiles on my machine:

actix-web = "4"
actix-http = "3.7"

use actix_web::body::BoxBody;
use actix_web::dev::{HttpServiceFactory, Service, ServiceResponse};
use actix_web::test;
use actix_web::web;
use actix_web::{App, HttpRequest, HttpResponse, Responder};

use actix_http::Request;

async fn make_app<T>(
    routes: Vec<T>,
) -> impl Service<Request, Response = ServiceResponse<BoxBody>, Error = actix_web::Error>
    T: HttpServiceFactory + 'static,

async fn index(_: HttpRequest) -> impl Responder {

async fn index2(_: HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse {

async fn main() {
    let routes = vec![
        web::resource("/test").to(|| async { "OK" }),
        web::resource("/test2").to(|| async { "OK" }),

    let app = make_app(routes).await;

This is a minimal example of the routes and the testing. It might be because the routes are pre-defined, but I am not sure.

Ok, so what I expected before:

is true for handlers created with the get, post, etc. macros. Every handler has its own distinct type. AFAICT you need to use Resources instead of the macro-created handlers:

use actix_web::body::BoxBody;
use actix_web::dev::{HttpServiceFactory, Service, ServiceResponse};
use actix_web::test;
use actix_web::web;
use actix_web::{App, HttpRequest, Responder};

use actix_http::Request;

async fn make_app<T: HttpServiceFactory + 'static>(
    routes: Vec<T>,
) -> impl Service<Request, Response = ServiceResponse<BoxBody>, Error = actix_web::Error> {

async fn index_get(_: HttpRequest) -> impl Responder {

async fn index_post(_: HttpRequest) -> impl Responder {

async fn main() {
    let routes = vec![

    let app = make_app(routes).await;

I tried to work around this by creating HttpServiceFactory trait objects from the handlers, but HttpServiceFactory::register is not dynamically dispatchable, hence this won't work unfortunately.


thank you so much for the help

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