What’s everyone working on this week (44/2016)

I've been working on a simple matrix library, rowcol.

use rowcol::prelude::*;

let f = Vector::<u64, U2>::new([1, 0]);
let a = Matrix::<u64, U2, U2>::new([[1, 1], [1, 0]]);

let mut p = Matrix::<u64, U2, U2>::identity();
for n in 0..51 {
    println!("fib({:2}) = {}", n, (p * f)[1]);
    p *= a;

I'm trying to find an inspiration for hard work, and it's only Tuesday!!!

I screwed around a bit today and implemented an Iterator extension trait for special-casing the first or last items:

I frequently find myself wanting this pattern, and it's actually not that hard to implement in Rust. I don't know if this is novel or if an alternate implementation exists. If not I guess I should publish a crate. :slight_smile:


That seems super nice! You should open a pull request with the itertools crate.

Personally, I don't like the name first_last as that makes me think it only returns the first and the last element. I would prefer something like track_place, although that isn't quite right either.

That's a good idea, I submitted a pull request.