Experience has taught me to always ask about compiler issues before deciding something is a bug. Especially when (as in this case) I have seen in consistently in multiple versions. The latest is a current nightly (1abeb436d 2017-12-27).
As part of my ongoing C library conversion, I have a lot of non-Rust-like code in an intermediate state generated by a transpiler, which I will clean up as I go along.
One of those code blocks discovered a behavior that is extremely strange, where enum casting has a different value between setting it in a const
variable and setting it in a let
This playground has the complete example, but here is the gist:
let c_mode : i32 = 2;
const o: i32 = WriteFlags::Over as i32; // = 0
const k: i32 = WriteFlags::Keep as i32; // = 1
const c: i32 = WriteFlags::Concat as i32; // = 2
let dmode: WriteFlags = match c_mode {
// compare with o, k, and c, thus decoding the integer from C
println!("Value of dmode with const: {:?}", dmode); // "Concat", as expected
let oo: i32 = WriteFlags::Over as i32;
let kk: i32 = WriteFlags::Keep as i32;
let cc: i32 = WriteFlags::Concat as i32;
let dmode: WriteFlags = match c_mode {
// compare with oo, kk, and cc, thus decoding the integer from C
println!("Value of dmode with let: {:?}", dmode); // "Over" !?
The compiler is telling me the second example's first match pattern can match any value, which is why this happens. But it's not clear to me why when the first example's match works just fine.
Is this a bug, or am I using Undefined Behavior with that enum cast -- which means this is a "feature"?