Warp/Hyper/Tokio: long running async function

I have an async function which downloads a big file. With reqwest it works. When I call the same function within warp in a 'handler' I get this error:

connection error: connection closed before message completed 

The download seems to be aborted after exactly 1 minute.

Any idea?

Best regards

In a warp handler? That means your task is aborted if whoever made that request closes the connection. Consider putting the download in a tokio::spawn to have it be a background task that isn't cancelled even if the request is cancelled.

I'm relative new to warp (and Rust). I do not know how to put it an background task using tokio::spawn with warp. And I still wondering why the async function works in reqwest but not in warp. It seems that warp (or hyper) cancel the asnc fn after 1 minute. Any idea regarding this 1 minute? This is somehow suspicious.
Best regards

I want to download a file form a S3 bucket. Just found a stackoverflow comment, that there is some 60 seconds timeout regarding S3. But why reqwest works and warp not?
Best regards

Hi Alice,
you wrote:
That means your task is aborted if whoever made that request closes the connection.

Will investigate into this suggestion. Thank you very much for this.
Best regards

tokio::spawn(async move {
    your background task goes here

You should elaborate on what you mean by this. Reqwest is a library for sending a web request to someone else, and warp is a library for creating a server that can receive web requests from others, so they are far from directly interchagneable. Are you using reqwest inside warp, or something else? That's what I assumed from reading your question.

@alice First: Sorry for the late response.

Your remarks were very helpful. The client calling tokio was a Java program. This was really helpful:
That means your task is aborted if whoever made that request closes the connection.
The connection was closed by the Java program.

Thank you very much!

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