Walking a python AST

I am building a CLI app that needs to walk the python AST. I ended up using the following crate:

here's my code:

fn visit_ast(nodes: &[Stmt], collected_deps: &mut HashSet<String>) {
    nodes.iter().for_each(|node| match node {
        Stmt::Import(import) => {
            import.names.iter().for_each(|alias| {
        Stmt::ImportFrom(import) => {
            if let Some(module) = &import.module {
        Stmt::FunctionDef(function_def) => visit_ast(&function_def.body, collected_deps),
        Stmt::ClassDef(class_def) => visit_ast(&class_def.body, collected_deps),
        Stmt::AsyncFunctionDef(async_function_def) => {
            visit_ast(&async_function_def.body, collected_deps)
        Stmt::For(for_stmt) => visit_ast(&for_stmt.body, collected_deps),
        Stmt::AsyncFor(async_for_stmt) => visit_ast(&async_for_stmt.body, collected_deps),
        Stmt::While(while_stmt) => visit_ast(&while_stmt.body, collected_deps),
        Stmt::If(if_stmt) => visit_ast(&if_stmt.body, collected_deps),
        Stmt::With(with_stmt) => visit_ast(&with_stmt.body, collected_deps),
        Stmt::AsyncWith(async_with_stmt) => visit_ast(&async_with_stmt.body, collected_deps),
        Stmt::Match(match_stmt) => {
            match_stmt.cases.iter().for_each(|case| {
                visit_ast(&case.body, collected_deps);
        Stmt::Try(try_stmt) => {
            visit_ast(&try_stmt.body, collected_deps);
            visit_ast(&try_stmt.orelse, collected_deps);
            visit_ast(&try_stmt.finalbody, collected_deps);
        Stmt::TryStar(try_star_stmt) => {
            visit_ast(&try_star_stmt.body, collected_deps);
            visit_ast(&try_star_stmt.orelse, collected_deps);
            visit_ast(&try_star_stmt.finalbody, collected_deps);

        _ => {}
pub fn get_used_imports(dir: &Path) -> Result<HashSet<String>> {
        .filter_map(|e| e.ok())
        .filter(|entry| entry.file_name().to_string_lossy().ends_with(".py"))
        .try_fold(HashSet::new(), |mut acc, entry| {
            let file_content = fs::read_to_string(entry.path())?;
            let module = parse(&file_content, Mode::Module, "<embedded>")?;
            let nodes = &module.module().unwrap().body; // Maybe should do a match here??
            let mut collected_deps: HashSet<String> = HashSet::new();

            visit_ast(&nodes, &mut collected_deps);



The Goal is to collect all imports that may be nested in various namespaces.

I'm pretty new to rust but I was surprised the crate Had a visitor pattern but didn't make it public. When I walk really large trees, this can take longer than I would like. Does anyone have experience with highly recursive tasks like this? Any suggestions of how to improve this logic?

The Visitor trait is public with visitor feature enabled in rustpython-ast crate. lib.rs - source

rustpython-parser doesn't enable visitor, rustpython-ast neither by default.

Sweet thanks!

Just want to confirm - are you running with --release?

@mr_rustbot I am not, not yet atleast. I wanted to get a little further along in the project. Is the resulting binary much faster?

Yes, the default build profile is debug and is extremely slow compared to --release.

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