OSCON (May 16-19, Austin) is holding an event called OSCON Contribute this year.
Contribute will be a hackathon aimed at triaging and solving issues in Rust-related open source projects; to get new people involved in the community.
To help conduct the hackathon, they need a couple of Rust community members to guide those new to Rust or contributing to Rust.
If you're going to the conference or are in the area around then, help would be appreciated!
Please contact Rachel (rroumeliotis@oreilly.com ) if you have any queries or wish to volunteer.
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April 23, 2016, 1:36pm
Huh, Rust isn't listed as one of the projects on the linked website. Any further details?
I think that's because they haven't gotten enough volunteers to be sure that they are holding it and to officially announce that.
April 24, 2016, 2:23pm
@Manishearth I am Interested in Volunteering at OSCON. I love Rust and live in Austin. So, that should help
April 25, 2016, 4:40pm
@supr Can you send an email to rroumeliotis@oreilly.com (who's organizing the event) with the subject line "Volunteering for OSCON Contribute"? I'll be volunteering too, so feel free to cc me (ben.striegel@gmail) and we can coordinate.
April 25, 2016, 8:54pm
@bstrie just shot an Email and CC'd you.
Let me know how you want to coordinate