Using unstable APIs? Tell us about it!

Ok, here's a list of features I'm using in libraries on

In carboxyl, that's:

  • std_misc: specifically std::sync::StaticMutex for thread-local bookkeeping. It's an intermediate solution but the stabilization warning says, it may be merged with Mutex in the future.
  • alloc: std::sync::Weak is only a matter of moving it somewhere else in the library, I assume?
  • test obviously for testing.
  • thread_sleep also for testing.

And a couple of numerical things from core in acacia:

  • std::num::cast. This is fairly important for generic literals. Sometimes I need a generic 2.0 or 4. Alternatives?
  • std::num::Int::pow pends integer conversions. Any definite plan here?
  • std::iter::AdditiveIterator has become somewhat less generic, since the Zero trait was removed. Still using it though. But maybe it should better go to another library.