Using ops with heap objects

Hi everyone,

I've been playing around a bit with rust, and reading the code of nd-array. I'm trying to implement some forward auto-differentiation library and I am now stuck on a design question: What would be a good way to use std::ops traits with objects that allocates.

To illustrate my case, let's say we are implementing a very simple library to manipulate vectors of f64 and some element-wise operation, say addition. We also want our library to handle "views" that is not only vectors that can own their data, but vectors that can be backed by a &[f64], maybe because we want to extract parts of a vector, or maybe because we can receive some read only vectors from a C FFI (my case). My current implementation is something like:

use std::ops;
use std::borrow::*;

struct AlgVector<T : Borrow<[f64]>>(T);

impl<T> AlgVector<T>
    T: Borrow<[f64]>
    pub fn to_owning(&self) -> AlgVector<Vec<f64>> {

    pub fn view<'a>(&'a self) -> AlgVector<&'a [f64]> {

impl<L, R> ops::Add<AlgVector<R>> for AlgVector<L>
    L: BorrowMut<[f64]>,
    R: Borrow<[f64]>,
    type Output = Self;
    fn add(mut self, rhs: AlgVector<R>) -> Self {
        self.0.borrow_mut().iter_mut().zip(rhs.0.borrow()).for_each(|(selfx,rhsx)| *selfx += rhsx);

which I like because it is quite generic, small, and doesn't hide allocations, but it forces the user to write things like x.to_owning() + y.view() which aren't so readable.

ndarray's approach is much easier to use but there are so many levels of nested types that it seems a bit much to implement and understand, and the error messages become quite complex.

So my question is: have you ever faced the same issue ? How would you have an implementation for ops that doesn't allocate every time while still being nice to use ? Would it even be possible to have something that is optimal in its allocations and doesn't require the user to manage them ?

Thanks for reading

Take a look at the biginteger crates. They allow you to use references to objects with the operators.

Hi, thanks for your answer. Unfortunately; all approaches I have tried with references still end-up having some clunk in the way. Notably, the num_bigint doesn't have this notion of "view", but if you add it, the possible combinations with reference/not reference becomes quite large and I have always ended up hitting type issue.

If you can make your type essentially be a Cow, then you could make it seamless. The operation could return the same type, so there would be no need for users to call to owned, or anything similar.

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