let data = [Some("no_tea.txt"), None, None, Some("stale_bread.json"), Some("torrential_rain.png")];
let mut res = String::from("");
data.iter().try_for_each(|each| {
if each.is_none() { return ControlFlow::<()>::Continue(()) }
let val = each.unwrap(); //as_deref()?;
res.push_str(&format!{"loading {val}... "});
The code looks ugly for my taste and I would prefer using '?". However using:
let val = each.as_deref()?;
gives me:
error[E0277]: the ? operator can only be used on ControlFlows in a closure that returns ControlFlow
--> cookie.rs:60:38
| data.iter().try_for_each(|each| {
| ------ this function returns a `Contr
60 | let val = each.as_deref()?;
| ^ th
is ? produces Option<Infallible>, which is incompatible with ControlFlow<_>
= help: the trait FromResidual<Option<Infallible>> is not implemented for ControlFlow<_>
= help: the trait FromResidual<ControlFlow<_, Infallible>> is implemented for ControlFlow<_>
= help: for that trait implementation, expected ControlFlow<_, Infallible>, found Option<Infallible>
// return type only needed because there's no breaks
data.iter().try_for_each(|each| -> ControlFlow<(), ()> {
let &Some(val) = each else {
return ControlFlow::Continue(());
res.push_str(&format! {"loading {val}... "});
But I'd probably just use Option or Result.
data.iter().try_for_each(|each| {
let val = each.as_deref()?;
res.push_str(&format! {"loading {val}... "});
If you actually don't have any breaks, just use for_each.
Thanks, the first variant works as expected, although there is no '?".
The second one is a syntaxly correct, however '?' works like a break. Is there a way to treat it as the continue?
Oh right, no, that's pretty much hardcoded into the Try trait and try_for_each. Another thing you can do is flatten the iterator, which has the effect of ignoring None items.
Thank you for confirming that it isn't possible to reverse the logic using the continue instead of the break. The example I gave just a mock up example of using '?' in a closure. I do not need a work around. I just wanted to know that I didn't miss something meaningful.