Using enum in different modules

Hi, everyone!
Please help with the following problem.
In the next program:

pub enum Color {

#[path = ""] mod mod1;
use mod1::Color;
pub fn get_color() -> Color {

mod mod1;
mod mod2;
use mod1::Color;
use mod2::get_color;
fn main() {
    let color: Color = get_color();

I have the next error:
error[E0308]: mismatched types
 --> src\
8 |     let color: Color = get_color();
  |                -----   ^^^^^^^^^^^ **expected enum `mod1::Color`, found enum `mod2::mod1::Color`**
  |                |
  |                expected due to this

How do I fix this error?

Please surround your code blocks with ``` to get appropriate formatting:

As for your question: you should declare each module with mod exactly once. Here you are declaring mod1 twice, once in and once in This creates two different modules, as though you'd written this:

mod mod1 {
    pub enum Color { Red, Green, Blue }

mod mod2 {
    mod mod1 {
        // this is a different type!
        pub enum Color { Red, Green, Blue }

        // refers to the `Color` from this module
        fn get_color() -> Color { /* ... */ }

Because the declaration of Color is repeated in two different modules, Rust sees two different types. (Note that the above is valid syntax, you can define modules "inline".) Rust has a "nominal" type system, so two types that are declared in different places are considered distinct even though they have the same name and shape.

A working structure for your example is

pub enum Color { Red, Green, Blue }

use crate::mod1::Color;

pub fn get_color() -> Color { Color::Blue }

mod mod1;
mod mod2;

use mod1::Color;
use mod2::get_color;

Each module is declared exactly once with mod, and then items from that module are imported into other modules with the use keyword.

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Thank you very much!

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