Using callbacks with wrapped wasm_bindgen_future

I have an async function that will fetch data from an external API and update the component's state (if you're familiar with yew and hooks, it's a side effect). here is the working code :

fn my_component() -> Html {
   let (_, dispatch) = use_store::<App>();
     let dispatch = dispatch.clone();
        wasm_bindgen_futures::spawn_local(async move {
        let request = Request::get("/api/endpoint").send().await;
        if let Ok(response) = request {
            match response.json::<MyObj>().await {
                Ok(parsed_obj) => dispatch.reduce_mut(|store| store.state = parsed_obj),
                Err(_) => {}
    , ());

Now I'm trying to refactor this code, externalizing the request part into a separate module called services.

here is a snippet of the code

fn get_data_service(callback: Box<dyn Fn(MyObj)>) {
wasm_bindgen_futures::spawn_local(async move {
        let request = Request::get("/api/endpoint").send().await;
        if let Ok(response) = request {
            match response.json::<MyObj>().await {
                Ok(parsed_obj) => callbakc(parsed_obj),
                Err(_) => {}


fn my_component() -> Html {
   let (_, dispatch) = use_store::<App>();
     let dispatch = dispatch.clone();
     let update_state_callback = |fetched_obj| {
         dispatch.reduce_mut(|store| store.state = fetched_obj)

and this code is not working becuase of dispatch which doesn't live long enough ..

how can I solve this problem and refactor my code this way ? or maybe there is a better way ?

Thanks !

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