Userinput crate

A simple cart to check the user-input data and print error for wrong input data type


userinput = {git = ""}


fn main() 
    println!("Hello, world!");
    println!("Enter the char");
    let ch = userinput::char();
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feedback please

You could use a macro to implement the functions for all numeric types.

You could remove the recursive call in the error case and redactor the code to use a loop instead. This would remove the possibility of a user caused stack overflow.

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I think your pattern of

match input.trim().parse::<f64>()
    Ok(input) => {return input;},
    Err(er) => {println!("...\nError: {}\ntry again",er);this_func()},

could be extracted into a helper function quite nicely. I'm imagining something like this:

fn parse_input<T: FromStr>(err_msg: &str) -> T { ... }

Right now, every one of your functions reimplements this behavior, and that's a lot of code duplication.

Besides that, and the things found by other commentors, it looks nice!

add new feature to check the input datatype
fn main()
let input = 20;

try it.

It seems useful! I don't often need that functionality, but it seems good.

The extra printing when doing things is usually not very useful, but if it's a personal utility crate and you as the main user don't mind the extra prints, it should be fine.

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