Use of async - where to draw the line

The web server I posted on recently. My thinking is to use async for the network IO ( well Axum does all that for me anyway), but do the database query evaluation in sync code. My get handler currently looks like this:

/// Handler for http GET requests.
async fn h_get(
    state: Extension<Arc<SharedState>>,
    path: Path<String>,
    params: Query<HashMap<String, String>>,
    cookies: Cookies,
) -> ServerQuery {
    // Build the ServerQuery.
    let mut sq = ServerQuery::new();
    sq.x.path = path.0;
    sq.x.params = params.0;
    sq.x.cookies = map_cookies(cookies);

    let blocking_task = tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || 
      // GET requests should be read-only.
      let stg = Box::new(state.stg.open_read());
      let db = Database::new(stg, "");
      db.run_timed("EXEC web.Main()", &mut *sq.x);