Understanding std vs. async_std vs. tokio

This repo I created has really helped me understand some differences between the options in the subject.

I'd love to get feedback on anything I've done here, particularly if anything is not idiomatic or could be simplified.

I do have one specific question in a comment here:

The double question mark is because Tokio more closely mirrors the API of the standard library for this API, which says that joining a JoinHandle should return a Result<T, JoinError> where T is the return value of the spawned task.

Since the task returns Result<f64, io::Error>, this results in the return value of

Result<Result<f64, io::Error>, JoinError>

and to unwrap a twice-nested Result requires two question marks.

In async-std, they have an unwrap inside the .await that removes the need for you to have the outer Result.

Note that a JoinError happens mainly if the spawned task panics.

Note that comparing to this:


The .unwrap() then question mark handles the same problem where the standard library gives you a double-nested result, except you handle the inner one by unwrapping rather than with a question mark.

Again, with async-std, you would still panic in the same case, the unwrap is just somewhere inside the impl of .await on a JoinHandle, so you don't have to do it.


Would you use a different approach for these lines?

let sum1 = handle1.join().unwrap()?;
let sum2 = handle2.join().unwrap()?;

I see that I can't just replace .unwrap() with ?.

Nah, it's fine. That unwrap will only panic if there is a panic inside the spawned task.

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