Understanding a Let statement

I am trying to parse a let statement like

let zero = <X as Default>::default();

According to the Rust reference ,
I am not sure if the <X as Default>::default() should be parsed as a QualifiedPathInExpression or a QualifiedPathInType (or something else) ?

By definition, the right side of an "=" in a Let Statement should be an Expression, therefore I suspect this is should be an occurrence of QualifiedPathInExpression

However the call to default() goes against my understanding of the QualifiedPathInExpression definition : its last part is expected to be a PathExprSegment which the default() call is not.

Could any Rust grammarian help clarify how to parse this Let Statement or correct my understanding

default is a PathExprSegment (via the PathIdentSegment rule). The parentheses of the call are part of the CallExpr, not the path.


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