Undefined Symbols While Compiling to target.riscv32imc-unknown-none-elf

I'm trying to compile [this crate ]( ESP32 Embedded Rust at the HAL: Analog Temperature Sensing using the ADC - DEV Community) to the riscv32imc-unknown-none-elf target and getting errors at linking with rust-lld failed: exit status: 1

rust-lld seems not to be able to find symbols _hart_stack_size and USB_SERIAL_JTAG
Does anyone know how I can resolve the errors?

Did you make sure to pass -Clink-arg=-Tlinkall.x to rustc? Also the esp32c3-hal crate mentioned in the post you linked has been deprecated in favor of the esp-hal crate. You may want to look at Introduction - The Rust on ESP Book for up to date documentation instead.

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