UI approaches on Rust

I've previously been starting Agera SDK with the goal of merging UI capabilities, but the project didn't went well because I was trying to insert inheritance paradigm into Rust.

Although, it might be possible to implement inheritance containing virtual dispatch if I mimmick my SModel crate, but the limitation is that you can only define a series of types at once inside the macro, and anyways it got some macro hygiene limitations.

As I know it right now, Rust might be good at making UI only with ECS approach and reactive approaches. Isn't there an inheritance approach?

I've not digged in further, but I kept reading that Bevy's UI capabilities aren't mature even from their blogposts. I'd wonder if UI crates keep breaking major version or 0.x like React, as well.

It looks like what is built based off DOM inheritance doesn't tend to break compatibility for years.

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There are GTK binindings for Rust. GTK is object oriented/inheritance based, so looking at how the GTK bindings work could be a good inspiration for how to represent such a pattern in Rust.

Yeah, I was aware of GTK, but thought it expressed inheritance in a hard way, but I'm going to give it one more look.