TWiR Friends of the forest

@KiChjang (Keith Yeung) brings a lot to Rust. Yeah he's a prominent Servo
, as well as Rust, but the thing that I admire
most is his dedication to community building.

It is historically difficult for the Rust team to understand the needs
of of non-English-speaking Rust communities. @KiChjang though is in
tune with the Chinese Rust community, sees that this is a problem, and
is actively working to bridge that gap by participating in both
communities, looking out for needs and opportunties, and relaying them.

This is a powerful idea, and an important role, and I'm hopeful it
will bear fruit. Already I'm feeling a fire to ensure that Chinese
Rustaceans are well-represented in the Rust project, and am
considering the importance of representing Rust well at conferences in

Thanks a bunch @KiChjang!