[TWiR] Call for Participation

The diesel project is looking for contributions to the following issue:

The Comprehensive Rust :crab: course is looking for contributors for the following issues:

I'll be happy to mentor people on those issues, let us know on the issue tracker :slight_smile:

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Hey everyone :ocean:

Here are a couple of Ockam issues for this week's call:

Thank you for including us!

Warp, a file transfer application based on gtk-rs and magic-wormhole-rs, recently added Windows support and would appreciate some help sanding down a couple of rough edges: Tracking: Windows Issues (#39) · Issues · World / Warp · GitLab
Please reach out, especially if you have any prior experience with Windows software distribution.


A MITM Proxy Written in Rust :crab:! The Ultimate Toolkit for HTTP/1, HTTP/2, and WebSockets with SSL/TLS Capabilities.

Hi folks!

Here are some issues from Ockam:

  1. Create clap command to delete a TCP Outlet on a node
  2. Create clap command to delete a TCP Inlet on a node
  3. Add a Github Action to avoid conflicts in TypeTag ids

Thank you for including our issues!!

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Thank you for help!

Hi everyone,

Here are some good first issues from Ockam:

  1. Remove the disable/enable_check_credential arguments from ockam tcp-outlet create
  2. Remove the disable/enable_check_credential arguments from ockam tcp-inlet create
  3. Update ockam project addon configure influx-db clap command to ockam project addon configure influxdb

Thank you!


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A bit of a stretch asking here, but if anyone has really good knowledge of how type inference works, there's this issue about a regression:

Edit: No need to put this in TWIR! I've gotten a great explanation already.

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I have an open issue on Barricade which is a web based authentication solution.

Add support for OpenID Connect



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I would like to add my Call for participation for the config-rs-ng experiment for a new implementation of the config-rs crate.

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Hi, we have new good-first issues at Ockam:

Thanks! :crocodile:


Hi all!

Ockam here with a few issues:

Thank you!


Hello everyone!

I'm creating an open-source Identity and Access Management backend for microservices which once can just plug-and-play

I'm in search of contributors to make it production-ready. I also have a few beginner-friendly issues on the repository.

Please see the project repository to get started

Hello rustaceans!

Here are some good first issues at Ockam:



Hello Rustaceans!

Call for contributors on Raccoon - an IAM server for microservices.

Hi everyone!

Here are some new issues if you want to get involved in the ockam project:



emanuele-em/man-in-the-middle-proxy- Transparent mode - #43
emanuele-em/man-in-the-middle-proxy- TLS Decoder - #37
emanuele-em/man-in-the-middle-proxy- Edit and resend requests - #9
emanuele-em/man-in-the-middle-proxy- Duplicate and resend requests - #7