[TWiR] Call for Participation

auto_impl has a few issues for beginners interested in working with the new proc macro API. With the crate auto_impl, you can easily implement your trait for certain "wrapper types" (e.g. &T where T: YourTrait).

We'd love to get more people involved! I'd be glad to mentor anyone interested in helping out.

Link to issue tracker with E-easy filter. I'm not sure if it's preferred to post single issue on TWiR. In that case, here are the four links:

I also posted this on Reddit.

CC @KodrAus


I might as well take advantage of this call for participation stuff, so...


Crater now has a contributing guide and a few issues with mentoring instructions!



Quinn has some good first issues, listed here:


1 Like

I'm looking for someone to update the parser in macro_railroad, the syntax-diagram generator for macro_rules!()-syntax, to syn-0.15 (from 0.14). There are some bugs in the current parser which we also never got around to fixing. Tracking issue is here.

The imag project is looking for contributors:

Feel free to PM me here, mail via the mailinglist or send a direct mail if you have any questions!

Hiya, I'd like some help on implementing serialization of enums using the externally tagged representation for the TOML crate.

toml-rs/issues/225 has the background, and toml-rs/pull/267 is where I got to (but have to redirect my efforts due to time constraints)

Thank you :bowing_man:

Cargo has 2 new help-wanted

I've done all I can do get Ruby & Rust integrated and working on the Windows OS with Rutie and I need your help to get an issue resolved.


macro_railroad is looking for a contributor in the underlying syntax-diagram library: Most macros' syntax runs wide horizontally, making the resulting diagram hard to read on small screens. We can easily mitigate this in the underlying presentation layer by overflowing long-running Sequences into Stacks. The required primitives are basically already in place.

Tracking issue here

swc is a project to make web development faster. It transcompiles new-generation javascript to old-generation javascript.

I've implemented basical parts like parsing and code generation. But it requires much more work.

For demonstration, it works like


issue tracker

I'm planning to start the work on Tera 1.0 but time is limited.

The main thing I would like help with is converting error handling from error-chain to standard Error: Consider remove error_chain dependency · Issue #297 · Keats/tera · GitHub




cargo tarpaulin is looking for any assistance in adding OSX support (issue). A lot of work has been done but debugging via travis is difficult.


I need help in loading functions from static linked libraries


The content-security-policy spec is long. Implementing it and testing it takes all day just translating stuff from English to Rust; I figure many hands makes light work, if anyone's interested in working on a small corner of Servo and Ammonia.

