Traverse Pest ast multiple times

Hey, I'm quite new to rust and I'm wondering if I'm missing something here.

I'm in the middle of trying to create a compiler in rust, using for defining the grammar and parsing the input.

I want to be able to traverse the tree pest creates multiple times. ( first time to generate a symbol table, second to do code generation).

I think I understand the problem I have (although it would be good to check I understand correctly).

To traverse the tree I have code like this

    for line in ast.into_inner() {
        match line.as_rule() {
            Rule::EOI => Ok(()),
            Rule::line => doStuff,
            _ => unreachable!(),

into_inner doesn't return a reference, but a concrete type, as I understand assignment in rust, is move by default, so into_inner effectively removes this node from the tree.

If I want to traverse the tree multiple times (reading only!) the only option i can see is to clone the whole tree for each pass.

I'm not sure if this is an intentional property of the language/pest or if I'm missing something?

This is not a language limitation, it is up to each API to provide a non-consuming iterator, when that's desirable. So look for other methods in the Pest API that don't consume the tree, such as:

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Hey, yep thanks. I understand, Good to know I'm not missing something. Your response got me to what I think the answer is (For others that come after). It looks like the way to do it is to transform the pest tree using Then you can traverse the tree using built in iterators.

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