Transmute (lifetime extension) review request

@truchi I just wanted to say, I find your use of emoji in your post and the playground very entertaining!

:+1:t3::+1:t3: :grin:

And also thanks for taking soundness and the dangers of unsafe code serious by asking others for help with understanding the details.

By the way, you can (in the future) replace your hand-crafted quotes using mentions, e.g.

@truchi Thanks guys!

with proper quotes, e.g.

Those look fancier and link back to the original post they’ve quoted. They can be created by just highlighting the text you want to quote and clicking the “Quote” button that appears then. If you do this while you’re already editing a response, it’ll get inserted where your cursor last was in the editor. You can even quote cross-topic, e.g.

by simply navigating the website while keeping the editor open. (Yes it doesn’t close if you leave the topic.)