Traits in `std::cmp` and mathematical terminology

I have had the same problem. I always end up with something like:

/// Compare two [`f64`] numbers while treating [NaN](f64::NAN) as greatest.
pub fn cmp_f64_nan_greatest(a: f64, b: f64) -> std::cmp::Ordering {
    a.partial_cmp(&b).unwrap_or_else(|| {

And then using that in a closure passed to sort_by.

It's annoying. I agree.

That I don't do. I'm always worried NaN's could actually appear.

How about partial_sort, which is happy with PartialOrd? (Maybe I shouldn't have made a new thread, will be more careful next time, as these topics are kinda related.)

P.S.: I just gave an outline of an example in the other thread, as this is related to the original question: "Why sort() need T to be Ord ?"

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