Trait's associated-type's associated type bound

A simplified way to think about what I am trying to do is type conversions:

pub trait A where Self: Sized {
    type B;
    fn to_b(self) -> Self::B;

// Doesn't compile
pub trait B where Self: Sized, Self::A: A, <Self::A as A>::B = Self {
    type A;
    fn from_a(a: Self::A) -> Self {

I want to make sure that anything that implements A has a pair that it can be turned into. That pair should be able to call this conversion function (to_b) as a constructor.

In order for this to make sense the associated type B must refer to the same type that implements B. I am not sure what the syntax is for specifying this.

This is very hard to explain in an easy to understand way but I hope the code helps a bit.

I've done it boys! :tada:

pub trait A where Self: Sized {
    type B;
    fn to_b(self) -> Self::B;

pub trait B where
    Self: Sized,
    Self::A: A,
    Self: std::convert::From<<<Self as B>::A as A>::B>
    type A;
    fn from_a(a: Self::A) -> Self {

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