Trait that automatically implies several From implementations?

Here is part of my real code (actually example code of the documentation I'm working on). But this might actually be more confusing, and I don't need help in fixing the particular code yet. But since you asked, here it is:

use std::rc::Rc;
use std::cell::RefCell;
use my_sandboxing_system::prelude::*;
use my_sandboxing_system::{Callback, Compile, Machine};

fn collect_output<'a, 'b, M, C>(
    machine: &'b M,
    setup: C,
    run: C,
) -> Result<String, MachineError>
    M: Machine<'a> + Compile<'a, C> + Callback<'a>,
    for<'c> <M as Machine<'a>>::Datum<'b, 'c>: MaybeString<'c>,
    // I want to avoid this:
    for<'c, 'd> &'d <M as Machine<'a>>::Datum<'b, 'c>: TryInto<&'d str, Error = MachineError>,
    let output_cell = RefCell::new(String::new());
    let output_rc = Rc::new(output_cell);
    let output_weak = Rc::downgrade(&output_rc);

    let my_print = machine
        .callback_1arg(move |s| {
                // but use `try_into`,
                // as I think that's most idiomatic, isn't it?

    machine.compile(None, setup)?.call([my_print])?;
    machine.compile(None, run)?.call([])?;


Also note my Problem with HRTBs and associated type bounds in that matter.

I feel like I should remember the wisdom I found once.

Thank you a lot for showing me that workaround, I'll consider using that, but I'm currently tempted to simply do the following:

/// Types that can be an UTF-8 text string
pub trait MaybeString<'c>
    Self: From<String>,
    Self: From<&'c str>,
    Self: TryInto<String, Error = DatumConversionError<Self>>,
    /// Try to interpret datum as Unicode string
    fn try_as_str(&self) -> Result<&str, DatumViewError>;

Using TryInto here, because of what @kpreid said here:

And I plan to not use for<'d> &'d Self: TryInto<&'d str, Error = DatumViewError> either, due to the error I described here:

P.S.: In either case, there must be a compiler bug. Those hints aren't right!