Trait that automatically implies several From implementations?

I meanwhile decided to do just that. I.e. the fallible conversion to &str just just uses a trait method now and won't support TryFrom/TryInto at all. Note that all remaining bounds are on Self (i.e. supertraits), which hopefully keeps most compiler bugs away! When converting owned values, I need to use .try_into() instead of String::try_from(…)) though.

This results in the following use in regard to fallible conversion from &Datum to &str:

use std::rc::Rc;
use std::cell::RefCell;
use my_sandboxing_system::prelude::*;
use my_sandboxing_system::{Callback, Compile, Machine};

fn collect_output<'a, 'b, M, C>(
    machine: &'b M,
    setup: C,
    run: C,
) -> Result<String, MachineError>
    M: Machine<'a> + Compile<'a, C> + Callback<'a>,
    for<'c> <M as Machine<'a>>::Datum<'b, 'c>: MaybeString<'c>,
    let output_cell = RefCell::new(String::new());
    let output_rc = Rc::new(output_cell);
    let output_weak = Rc::downgrade(&output_rc);

    let my_print = machine
        .callback_1arg(move |s| {
                .ok_or("closure expired")?

    machine.compile(None, setup)?.call([my_print])?;
    machine.compile(None, run)?.call([])?;


By the way, the .call([…]) syntax with variable arguments has been realized through:

    fn call<'c, A>(&self, args: A) -> Result<Vec<Self::Datum<'static>>, MachineError>
        A: IntoIterator<Item = Self::Datum<'c>>,
        <A as IntoIterator>::IntoIter: ExactSizeIterator;

This allows passing either a Vec<T> or an [T; _], as I don't really depend on having a Vec available (but only need .len() and being able to iterate over the values). Not sure if that's idiomatic, but I like the shortened syntax when passing a variable number of arguments.