Tokio Future created by async block is not `Send`

I am having a really hard time with Tokio and the Rust compiler (which probably wants the best for me). I wonder how I could solve the current error message, and see code below:

error: future cannot be sent between threads safely
   --> src/server/bin/
132 |         let debouncer = task::spawn(async move {
    |                         ^^^^^^^^^^^ future created by async block is not `Send`
   ::: /home/st4ck/.cargo/registry/src/
129 |         T: Future + Send + 'static,
    |                     ---- required by this bound in `tokio::spawn`
    = help: within `impl std::future::Future`, the trait `std::marker::Send` is not implemented for `*mut u8`
note: captured value is not `Send`
   --> src/server/bin/
169 | ...                   unsafe { std::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(data, len) };
    |                                                               ^^^^ has type `*mut u8` which is not `Send`

error: future cannot be sent between threads safely
   --> src/server/bin/
195 |         let server = task::spawn({
    |                      ^^^^^^^^^^^ future created by async block is not `Send`
   ::: /home/st4ck/.cargo/registry/src/
129 |         T: Future + Send + 'static,
    |                     ---- required by this bound in `tokio::spawn`
    = help: within `impl std::future::Future`, the trait `std::marker::Send` is not implemented for `*mut u8`
note: captured value is not `Send`
   --> src/server/bin/
221 | ...                   data = alloc(layout.assume_init());
    |                       ^^^^ has type `*mut u8` which is not `Send`

error: aborting due to 2 previous errors

Its the variable data the main problem. I have tried to encapsulate it into Arc and Rc but nothing make it work.

Some observations about this asynchronous program:

  • I write at different index of data so it is totally safe to have concurrent access.
  • the deallocation could be bad at first glance, especially in the case that I request an index, and meanwhile the missing index arrives, but in this situation I do not use data since allocation is only done at start, and that another file will not be created. So deallocating the pointer seems safe to me.
  • What could be unsafe (and oddly is not called out by the compiler) is the way I use buf : buf stores the incoming bytes, but it is not clone for each thread(I want to implement this, not sure how for the syntax).

So basically the compiler complains about data, while imho, the problem is currently with buf.

use std::error::Error;
use std::time::Duration;
use std::{env, io};
use tokio::net::UdpSocket;
use tokio::{sync::mpsc, task, time}; // 1.3.0

/// Encryption
use sodiumoxide::crypto::secretstream::xchacha20poly1305::Key;
use sodiumoxide::randombytes::randombytes;

use std::io::prelude::*;
//use std::rc::Rc;
use std::alloc::{alloc, dealloc, Layout};
use std::fs::File;
use std::mem;
use std::mem::MaybeUninit;
use std::net::SocketAddr;
use std::sync::Arc;

const UDP_HEADER: usize = 8;
const IP_HEADER: usize = 20;
const AG_HEADER: usize = 4;
const MAX_DATA_LENGTH: usize = (64 * 1024 - 1) - UDP_HEADER - IP_HEADER;
const MAX_DATAGRAM_SIZE: usize = 0x10000;
// cmp -l 1.jpg 2.jpg

/// A wrapper for [ptr::copy_nonoverlapping] with different argument order (same as original memcpy)
/// Safety: see `std::ptr::copy_nonoverlapping`.
unsafe fn memcpy(dst_ptr: *mut u8, src_ptr: *const u8, len: usize) {
    std::ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(src_ptr, dst_ptr, len);

// Different from
// Returns the [exponent] from the smallest power of two greater than or equal to n.
const fn next_power_of_two_exponent(n: u32) -> u32 {
    return 32 - (n - 1).leading_zeros();

fn write_chunks_to_file(filename: &str, bytes: &[u8]) -> io::Result<()> {
    let mut file = File::create(filename)?;

// Thanks
fn extension(filename: &str) -> &str {
        .map(|idx| &filename[idx..])
        .filter(|ext| ext.chars().skip(1).all(|c| c.is_ascii_alphanumeric()))

// NB: magic (number) means file signature
fn is_file_extension_matching_magic(filename: &str, bytes: Vec<u8>) -> bool {
    const WILD: u8 = 0xFC; // unspecified byte, could be anything, just make sure
                           // that it is not one of the already used bytes among magic numbers
    let file_extension = extension(filename);

    // get supposed magic based on file extension
    let v = match file_extension {
        ".bmp" => vec![vec![0x42, 0x4D]],
        ".jpg" => vec![vec![0xFF, 0xD8, 0xFF]],
        ".png" => vec![vec![0x89, 0x50, 0x4E, 0x47, 0x0D, 0x0A, 0x1A, 0x0A]],
        ".gif" => vec![vec![0x47, 0x49, 0x46, 0x38]],
        ".m4a" => vec![vec![
            0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x1c, 0x66, 0x74, 0x79, 0x70, 0x69, 0x73, 0x6f, 0x6d, 0x00, 0x00,
            0x02, 0x00, 0x69, 0x73, 0x6f, 0x6d, 0x69, 0x73, 0x6f, 0x32, 0x6d, 0x70, 0x34, 0x31,
        ".pdf" => vec![vec![0x25, 0x50, 0x44, 0x46, 0x2d]],
        ".avi" => {
            vec![vec![0x52, 0x49, 0x46, 0x46, WILD, WILD, WILD, WILD, 0x41, 0x56, 0x49, 0x20]]
        ".mp3" => vec![vec![0xFF, 0xFB], vec![0xFF, 0xF2], vec![0xFF, 0xF3]],
        ".webp" => {
            vec![vec![0x52, 0x49, 0x46, 0x46, WILD, WILD, WILD, WILD, 0x57, 0x45, 0x42, 0x50]]
        _ => return true,
    // check that actual magic from bytes match its supposed magic
    'outer: for magic_bytes in v.iter() {
        for i in 0..magic_bytes.len() - 1 {
            //println!("{:x} ", magic_bytes[i]);
            if magic_bytes[i] ^ bytes[i] != 0 && magic_bytes[i] != WILD {
                continue 'outer;
        if magic_bytes[magic_bytes.len() - 1] ^ bytes[magic_bytes.len() - 1] == 0 {
            return true;
        "{} with {} ext does not have magic {:x?} matching its extension",
        filename, file_extension, v
    return false;

fn generate_key(random_bytes: Vec<u8>) -> Key {
    //fb gena(random_bytes: Vec<u8>)-> Key  {
    let option_key: Option<Key> = Key::from_slice(&random_bytes);
    let key = option_key.unwrap();
    return key;

async fn run_server(socket: UdpSocket) {
    let mut missing_indexes: Vec<u16> = Vec::new();
    let mut peer_addr = MaybeUninit::<SocketAddr>::uninit();
    let mut data = std::ptr::null_mut(); // ptr for the file bytes
    let mut len: usize = 0; // total len of bytes that will be written
    let filename = "3.m4a";
    let mut layout = MaybeUninit::<Layout>::uninit();
    let key_bytes: Vec<u8> = randombytes(0x20);
    let key = generate_key(key_bytes);
    let mut buf = [0u8; MAX_DATA_LENGTH];
    let mut start = false;
    let (debounce_tx, mut debounce_rx) = mpsc::channel::<(usize, SocketAddr)>(3300);
    let (network_tx, mut network_rx) = mpsc::channel::<(usize, SocketAddr)>(3300);
    let myarc = Arc::new(data);

    loop {
        // Listen for events
        let debouncer = task::spawn(async move {
            let duration = Duration::from_millis(3300);

            loop {
                match time::timeout(duration, debounce_rx.recv()).await {
                    Ok(Some((size, peer))) => {
                        eprintln!("Network activity");
                    Ok(None) => {
                        if start == true {
                            eprintln!("Debounce finished");
                    Err(_) => {
                        eprintln!("{:?} since network activity", duration);
                        if missing_indexes.contains(&0) {
                            unsafe {
                                let missing_chunks = missing_indexes.align_to::<u8>().1; // convert from u16 to u8
                                let amt = socket
                                    .send_to(&*missing_chunks, &peer_addr.assume_init())
                                //println!("Echoed {} bytes back {:?}", amt, missing_indexes);
                                // sock.send_to(&missing_chunks, &peer_addr.assume_init())
                                //   .expect("Failed to send a response");
                        } else if start == true {
                            // all chunks have been collected, write bytes to file
                            // SAFETY: data must be valid for boths reads and writes for len * mem::size_of::<T>() many bytes,
                            // and it must be properly aligned.
                            // data must point to len consecutive properly initialized values of type T.
                            // The memory referenced by the returned slice must not be accessed through any other pointer
                            // (not derived from the return value) for the duration of lifetime 'a. Both read and write accesses
                            // are forbidden.
                            // The total size of len * mem::size_of::<T>() of the slice must be no larger than isize::MAX.
                            // See the safety documentation of pointer::offset.
                            let bytes: &mut [u8] =
                                unsafe { std::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(data, len) };
                            if is_file_extension_matching_magic(filename, bytes[0..0x20].to_vec())
                                == true
                                let result = write_chunks_to_file(filename, &bytes);
                                start = false;
                                match result {
                                    Ok(()) => println!("Successfully created file: {}", filename),
                                    Err(e) => println!("Error: {}", e),
                            } else {
                                println!("file  {} does not match his true type", filename);
                            unsafe {
                                dealloc(data, layout.assume_init());
        // Listen for network activity
        let server = task::spawn({
            // async{
            let debounce_tx = debounce_tx.clone();
            async move {
                while let Some((size, peer)) = network_rx.recv().await {
                    // Received a new packet
                    debounce_tx.send((size, peer)).await.expect("Unable to talk to debounce");
                    eprintln!("Received a packet {} from: {}", size, peer);

                    let packet_index: u16 = (buf[0] as u16) << 8 | buf[1] as u16;

                    if start == false { // first bytes of a new file: initialization
                        start = true;
                        let chunks_cnt: u32 = (buf[2] as u32) << 8 | buf[3] as u32;
                        let n: usize = MAX_DATAGRAM_SIZE << next_power_of_two_exponent(chunks_cnt);
                        debug_assert_eq!(n.count_ones(), 1); // can check with this function that n is aligned on power of 2
                        unsafe {
                            // SAFETY: layout.as_mut_ptr() is valid for writing and properly aligned
                            // SAFETY: align_of<u8>() is nonzero and a power of two thanks to previous function
                            // SAFETY: no shift amount will make 0x10000 << x round up to usize::MAX
                                .write(Layout::from_size_align_unchecked(n, mem::align_of::<u8>()));
                            // SAFETY: layout is initialized right before calling assume_init()
                            data = alloc(layout.assume_init());
                        let a: Vec<u16> = vec![0; chunks_cnt as usize]; //(0..chunks_cnt).map(|x| x as u16).collect(); // create a sorted vector with all the required indexes
                        missing_indexes = a;
                    missing_indexes[packet_index as usize] = 1;
                    unsafe {
                        let dst_ptr =
                            data.offset((packet_index as usize * MAX_CHUNK_SIZE) as isize);
                        memcpy(dst_ptr, &buf[AG_HEADER], size - AG_HEADER);
                    println!("receiving packet {} from: {}", packet_index, peer);

        // Prevent deadlocks

        match socket.recv_from(&mut buf).await {
            Ok((size, src)) => {
                network_tx.send((size, src)).await.expect("Unable to talk to network");
            Err(e) => {
                eprintln!("couldn't recieve a datagram: {}", e);
    // Close the network
    // drop(network_tx);
    // Wait for everything to finish
    // server.await.expect("Server panicked");
    // debouncer.await.expect("Debouncer panicked");

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
    let addr = env::args().nth(1).unwrap_or_else(|| "".to_string());
    let socket = UdpSocket::bind(&addr).await?;
    println!("Listening on: {}", socket.local_addr()?);

Thanks a lot for ANY insight :slight_smile:

The solution here is to not use raw pointers directly, but instead use an abstraction around them. Ideally, you should use one from the standard library (like Box or one of those in std::collections), as they're well known to be sound. If you're absolutely certain you cannot use any of those, search for whatever you need. Failing that, you can build your own safe abstaction around raw pointers. Make sure to unsafe impl Send and unsafe impl Sync for it so it can be used inside a future easily.

1 Like

I implemented it rust - Future created by async block is not `Send` - Stack Overflow

pub struct FileBuffer {
     data: *mut u8

 unsafe impl Send for FileBuffer {}
 unsafe impl Sync for FileBuffer {}

//let mut data = std::ptr::null_mut(); // ptr for the file bytes
let mut fileBuffer: FileBuffer = FileBuffer { data:  std::ptr::null_mut() };

Thank you very much Kestrer!

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