Tokio 0.2 conficting with hyper

I see on TWIR that Tokio 0.2 is out, which is good, so I am trying to move off the alpha version onto the mainstream.

The problem is that I also need hyper = "^0.13.0-alpha.4", which has not made a corresponding move and is now no longer "compatible". With the ubiquity of https I would have thought that this is now a fairly common problem.

Is there any way of fixing this, apart from just waiting if/when hyper also moves to mainstream?

Sorry, Tokio was released two days ago, and they have not had time to update hyper yet. Luckily now that Tokio is no longer in "alpha" mode means that crates that depend on different versions of non-alpha 0.2 will work together from now on.

You can follow the progress here.

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