Thread-safely wrapping C FFI library with effective interior mutability

I am trying to wrap the SQLite3 library in Rust. (I am aware of the many great bindings already available for SQLite – this is more of an exercise, but I also do have legitimate reasons for not using e.g. rusqlite in this particular project of mine.)

For anyone not familiar with SQLite, here's a brief description of its basic API.

You can open a database connection, *mut sqlite3, and then "prepare" (compile from SQL to optimized bytecode) one or more statements, *mut sqlite3_stmt. Finally, for executing such a prepared statement, one repeatedly invokes a stepper function, sqlite3_step(), on the prepared statement object, which retrieves the results of the query row-by-row, effectively invoking the fetch-decode-execute loop of an underlying virtual machine interpreter.

While stepping through the results, a prepared statement will mutate the data in the database connection it was created from (in addition to mutating its own fields, of course). For example, it will access and populate the page cache, set a per-connection error code and error message, and so forth. Since multiple prepared statements are allowed to exist and execute at the same time in the context of a given database connection, the library effectively exhibits shared interior mutability.

For now, I am only interested in dealing with the DB connection and its corresponding prepared statements. Now, it is quite straightforward to wrap both this database handle and its prepared statement objects into their own respective RAII structs. I am not sure, however, what the proper model would be for ensuring that the usage of the wrapper is race-free and in general, memory-safe.

The only hard-ish requirement I have is that I would like the prepared statement wrappers to be Send. Since the prepared statements themselves contain pointers to the database handle, I assume this means that the database handle itself has to be Sync.

Now, SQLite can be configured with two levels of thread-safety:

  • A weaker "multi-threaded" mode, where a given DB connection can only be accessed by a single thread at a time. (This is only called multi-threaded because the library also manages some unrelated, global, internal state which is synchronized in this mode, so their accessor functions are thread-safe.)
  • A stronger "serialized" mode, where a DB connection can be accessed by many threads at the same time, because all calls are synchronized by a per-connection mutex internal to the library.
    Therefore, one can assume that the DB connection can effectively be either Send + !Sync or Send + Sync.

What I'm not sure about is three things:

  1. How much synchronization do I actually need, and where? Which types can/should I mark as Send/Sync?
  2. Should my mutating methods take &self or &mut self? Precisely what assumptions does Rust make about the aliasing mutability of externally-observable data behind a raw pointer? When I write "externally-observable", I mean that there are getter functions in the FFI with which some of the aforementioned connection-local state, e.g. the error message or cached contents, can be publicly accessed.
  3. How does all of this interact with single-threaded concurrency, i.e. the RWLock pattern and borrowck?

The approach I was thinking of looks roughly like this:

  • I would compile SQLite in "multi-threaded" mode, i.e. no locks on the database handle. As I understand, this would effectively make the database handle Send + !Sync.
  • I would write unsafe impl Send for Database {}, accordingly.
  • I would make all mutating methods on both the Database and the Statement object take &mut self.
  • In the Statement object, I would store an Arc<Mutex<Database>>.
  • I would also unsafe impl Send for Statement {}.
  • Whenever I wanted to execute a prepared statement, I would acquire the lock on the database handle via the statement object, step through the results, and release the lock.

My ultimate question is: Is the approach described above memory-safe? I'm pretty sure the multi-threaded synchronization part of my plan is correct, although I still don't know:

  • Whether it is a good idea (necessary or allowed) to make the mutating functions take &mut self, since there is aliasing going on in the internals of SQLite-the-C-library;
  • Whether I am allowed to mark both types Send, and whether I am allowed to additionally mark Statement as Sync; and
  • Whether there is a better overall way of wrapping prepared statements, in order to minimize the scope of unsafety, and maybe let the compiler infer Send and Sync impls in more cases?

A type is Sync if and only if immutable references to it are Send. Smart pointers like Arc that provide immutable access are similarly Send if and only if the underlying type is Sync. So you should mark the type Sync if you want an Arc containing that type to be Send.

Note that Mutex<T> is Sync if T is Send, so an Arc<Mutex<T>> is Send as long as T is Send.

If a type is Sync, then:

  1. Any method that takes &self must be safe to call from multiple threads in parallel.
  2. Any method that takes &mut self does not have to be safe to call from multiple threads in parallel.

If a type is not Sync, then neither kind of method can be called in parallel from multiple threads. In this case, the only difference between the two kinds of methods is that a &self method must correctly follow the aliasing rules described below. For example, a type like Cell is Send but not Sync because it is not safe to call some of its &self methods from multiple threads.

If you have an &mut *mut T, &mut *const T, &*mut T, or &*const T, then this makes no assumptions about the T whatsoever. Whenever you create a Rust reference to data behind the reference, it makes the following assumptions:

  • Immutable reference. Between any two uses of the same immutable reference, the data it points at is unchanged.
  • Mutable reference. Between any two uses of the same mutable reference, the data it points at has not been accessed by any other pointer or reference (besides pointers or references derived from the mutable reference).

There are a few more rules, but they only matter if you create a raw pointer from a Rust reference, and keep that raw pointer around after the Rust reference no longer exists. Note that the creation of a Rust reference counts as a use, but a reference going out of scope does not count as a use. Any pointer in C code behaves like a Rust raw pointer when it comes to these rules.

A note regarding UnsafeCell: The raw pointer serves the same purpose as an UnsafeCell, in the sense that if the data inside an UnsafeCell<T> is changed, then an immutable reference does not consider the UnsafeCell itself to have been modified. The same applies to raw pointers in that if you modify data behind a raw pointer, an immutable reference would not consider this to have been a change of the raw pointer.

I think the above should answer most of your questions. Please let me know which ones you are still unsure about, and I will be happy to elaborate.


Thanks, this was very helpful, especially the clarification of the aliasing rules and the equivalence between raw pointers and UnsafeCell. I did not realize that they behaved identically in terms of aliasing rules. In fact, I was going to ask "how do I communicate interior mutability to the compiler given that I can't put the opaque library type behind an UnsafeCell?", but in the end I forgot.

I'm assuming you mean "data behind the raw pointer" here?

Other than that, I'm only having trouble interpreting the following statement:

Doesn't taking &mut self protect against this automatically and statically? I thought that &mut references were necessarily unique (modulo mutable aliasing bugs), so if I had either a Sync or a !Sync type with a &mut method, the compiler would prevent me from calling it in multiple threads at the same time.

You are correct. Note that I said "neither" and not "either".

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Just one addition to @alice's great answer: basically you "either":

  • are !Sync, and can thus feature &self-based methods;

  • or only have &mut self-based methods, which makes the &self-based API empty, which means your type can be Sync (a dummy one, since you won't be able to do anything with it).

That is, w.r.t. the soundness in a multi-threaded scenario, there is no difference between those two approaches. For instance, compare Cell<i32> to:

mod privacy_boundary {
    struct MyCell(Cell<i32>);

    impl From<i32> for MyCell { … }
    impl Into<i32> for MyCell { … }

    impl MyCell {
        fn set (self: &'_ mut MyCell, value: i32)
            // or, since we actually don't need `Cell` capabilities:
            *self.0.get_mut() = value;

    unsafe // Safety: no `&MyCell`-based API whatsoever
    impl Sync for MyCell {}

If we "model" SQLite's connections by that Cell<i32> –actually, something like Box<Cell…>–, then by only providing &mut accessors, you'll be constructing MyCell, which is a sound abstraction even when multiple threads are involved: &MyCell references may cross thread boundaries, but they will be useless, whereas &Cell<i32> references cannot even cross thread boundaries to begin with.

In both cases, you'll need to wrap the value in a Mutex to be able to have a useful shareable handle that can cross thread boundaries.

That being said, if you stare at the definition of MyCell, you will notice that Cell is no longer playing any role whatsoever: it could have been defined as struct MyCell(i32)! Indeed, neither MyCell nor a plain old i32 will allow aliased mutation of its value, not even when dealing with single-threaded concurrency / re-entrancy. In that regard, Cell<i32> is a bit more flexible, and with no harm / danger memory-safety-wise, only, potentially, a few missed optimizations.

From there, I'd suggest the following:

  1. if you consider that single-threaded re-entrancy could occur / may be a valid usage of your API, then:

    you use &self-based methods, and mark / tag your type as !Sync (a Mutex will still be required to get Syncness).

  2. otherwise, only feature &mut self-based methods, and mark your type as Sync (you basically disregard / remove the shared mutability capabilities of the API, dismissing it as a happy or potentially unintended byproduct of C idioms / lack of expressiviity).

Both options have their merits! But a nice thing to do here is to realize what the latter option represents: it's basically the former, but implicitly already wrapped within a UniqueCell/ MutCell / SyncWrapper pattern.

  • (for some reason, there is still no crate publicly and exclusivly featuring it?)

  • (in that crate they feature a T : Send bound for SyncWrapper<T> : Sync to hold: such a bound is unnecessary, Inner : Send => Wrapper : Sync is only required for Wrappers allowing &Wrapper -> &mut Inner code paths such as Mutex or, less obviously, Arc)

Once we observe that, the question is, do you want to wrap it by default or not? To answer that question, one may need to know why such a wrapper / such a pattern exists: to fix issues related to Send futures and their async-captured variables:

  • imagine a composite struct having a !Sync field (such as option 1. above), but which, in practice, only accesses that field (and its API) through exclusive accesses.

  • in an unrelated scenario (probably based off other fields and other parts of its API), a shared reference to that struct may cross an .await point from an async fn whose Future we wish to be safe to Send across threads.

In that case, it makes sense to wrap such a field in a UniqueCell / MutCell / SyncWrapper, so as to tell Rust that indeed you will only access the !Sync parts of your struct's API through exclusive access, and that thus the whole struct can soundly be Sync, thus soundly making that Future Send.

Up to you, then, to decide if you value single-threaded re-entrancy enough not to auto-wrap your API within a symbolic SyncWrapper :wink:

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Great to know about it anyways, thanks!

Wait, I think I missed something, then.

SQLite has an internal mutex mechanism. Supposedly, it makes the C API "safe to use from multiple threads without restriction". If, for the lack of a better alternative, we believe the authors and accept this as true, wouldn't that mean that I can simply mark my wrappers as Send + Sync even if I (only) provide &self methods? It seems to me that whether the mutex is inside or outside the SQLite database or statement handle shouldn't matter, as long as it's protecting the entirety of the mutable state.

I'd say so, yes. That being said, since Rust does encode thread safety in its type system where C doesn't (c.f. this very thread :smile:), I personally like the cautious approach of telling SQLite not to bother trying to be thread-safe, and handle that part on Rust. That being said, an external mutex cannot be as fine-grained as SQLite's internal one(s), so such a caution would come with a performance penalty.

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I was trying to do that as well, in fact. However, it quickly became clear that letting SQLite do its own locking simplifies the wrapping Rust code by a large margin.

For example, SQLite has two levels of thread safety, and it has to have some of its mutexes enabled in order to be used in a multithreaded environment at all, because it relies on some global mutable state. And at that point, I might as well enable all, connection-local mutexes, too.

In addition, it also guarantees that the per-connection mutex is recursive, so re-acquiring it on the same thread doesn't deadlock, which is an important point considering that various parts of its operation involve callbacks (e.g. virtual tables and UDFs), which can then be "trusted" in a sense that they don't need to ensure not to re-acquire any mutexes on the same thread. This would not be the case if I used std::snyc::{Mutex, RwLock}.

And finally, there is of course the fact that SQLite is extremely well-tested (it literally is held to avionics-grade testing standards), and I don't really trust myself with writing sound unsafe Rust code that is more thread-safe than its authors could write.


Yeah, for a high-quality C library such as SQLite, trusting it makes sense, and the re-entrancy argument is huge :+1:


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