The missing pattern matcher

I came across a place where I'd really like to collapse:

for maybe_item in option_vec {
    if let Some(item) = maybe_item {
        // etc


for Some(item) in option_vec {
    // etc

It's a minor thing. But so is if let, and that improves ergonomics.

Let us bikeshed.

filter_map to the rescue!

for really_item in option_vec.iter().filter_map(|x| x) {
    // etc

It will ignore anything that returns a None value, effectively including the if let for you.


The problem is that it's unclear if you want it to skip Nones, or stop on the first None.

So the adapter is probably the right choice. (And you can do .flatten() if you want.)

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Itertools::while_some() is nice for that, or you can write:

while let Some(Some(item)) = {
    // ...
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