The latest nightly compiler has broken macros

error[E0425]: cannot find value `c_token` in this scope
  --> <json_internal macros>:98:22
1  | / ( @ array [ $ ( $ elems : expr , ) * ] ) => { vec ! [ $ ( $ elems , ) * ] } ;
2  | | ( @ array [ $ ( $ elems : expr ) , * ] ) => { vec ! [ $ ( $ elems ) , * ] } ;
3  | | ( @ array [ $ ( $ elems : expr , ) * ] null $ ( $ rest : tt ) * ) => {
4  | | json_internal ! (
...  |
98 | | @ object object (  ) ( $ ( $ tt ) + ) ( $ ( $ tt ) + ) ) ; object } ) } ; (
   | |                      ^ not found in this scope
99 | | $ other : expr ) => { $ crate :: to_value ( & $ other ) . unwrap (  ) } ;
   | |_________________________________________________________________________- in this expansion of `json_internal!`
  ::: <json macros>:1:1
1  |   ( $ ( $ json : tt ) + ) => { json_internal ! ( $ ( $ json ) + ) } ;
   |   -------------------------------------------------------------------
   |   |                            |
   |   |                            in this macro invocation
   |   in this expansion of `json!`

error[E0425]: cannot find value `err` in this scope
 --> <println macros>:3:44
3 | ) => ( print ! ( concat ! ( $ fmt , "\n" ) , $ ( $ arg ) * ) ) ;
  |                                            ^ not found in this scope
help: possible candidate is found in another module, you can import it into scope
1 | use arc_reactor::futures::future::err;

error: aborting due to 2 previous errors

For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0425`.
error: Could not compile `paysquare`.

To learn more, run the command again with --verbose.

I get this error whenever i use invoke a macro that captures external vairables, either by logging with println or using serde_json's json! macro. this used to work, now it simply doesn't.

nightly => rustc 1.27.0-nightly (7360d6dd6 2018-04-15)

Can you help reproduce this? When I tried it, the following seems to work with rustc 1.27.0-nightly (7360d6dd6 2018-04-15).

extern crate serde_json;

fn main() {
    let v = 1;
    println!("{}", json!({"k": v}));

1 Like
extern crate futures_await as futures;
#[macro_use] extern crate serde_json;
use futures::prelude::*;

pub fn test() -> Result<Value, ()> {
	let lk = "haha, i'm a str";
	#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
	struct Payment {
		usd: u32,
	let Payment { usd } = Payment { usd: 76 };
	let res = match await!(f_future()) {
		Ok(a) => a,
		Err(err) => panic!("{:?}", err)
	println!("{}", lk);
	println!("{:?}", &res);
	let json = json!({
		"usd": usd,
		"res": res

fn f_future() -> impl Future<Item = bool, Error = ()> {

try compiling with cargo rustc -- -Z external-macro-backtrace, you should get:

error[E0425]: cannot find value `err` in this scope
 --> <panic macros>:9:25
9 | & format_args ! ( $ fmt , $ ( $ arg ) + ) , & (
  |                         ^ not found in this scope
help: possible candidate is found in another module, you can import it into scope
1 | use arc_reactor::futures::future::err;

error[E0425]: cannot find value `lk` in this scope
 --> <println macros>:3:44
3 | ) => ( print ! ( concat ! ( $ fmt , "\n" ) , $ ( $ arg ) * ) ) ;
  |                                            ^ not found in this scope

error[E0425]: cannot find value `res` in this scope
 --> <println macros>:3:44
3 | ) => ( print ! ( concat ! ( $ fmt , "\n" ) , $ ( $ arg ) * ) ) ;
  |                                            ^ not found in this scope

error[E0425]: cannot find value `usd` in this scope
  --> <json_internal macros>:98:22
1  | / ( @ array [ $ ( $ elems : expr , ) * ] ) => { vec ! [ $ ( $ elems , ) * ] } ;
2  | | ( @ array [ $ ( $ elems : expr ) , * ] ) => { vec ! [ $ ( $ elems ) , * ] } ;
3  | | ( @ array [ $ ( $ elems : expr , ) * ] null $ ( $ rest : tt ) * ) => {
4  | | json_internal ! (
...  |
98 | | @ object object (  ) ( $ ( $ tt ) + ) ( $ ( $ tt ) + ) ) ; object } ) } ; (
   | |                      ^ not found in this scope
99 | | $ other : expr ) => { $ crate :: to_value ( & $ other ) . unwrap (  ) } ;
   | |_________________________________________________________________________- in this expansion of `json_internal!`
  ::: <json macros>:1:1
1  |   ( $ ( $ json : tt ) + ) => { json_internal ! ( $ ( $ json ) + ) } ;
   |   -------------------------------------------------------------------
   |   |                            |
   |   |                            in this macro invocation
   |   in this expansion of `json!`

error[E0425]: cannot find value `res` in this scope
  --> <json_internal macros>:98:22
1  | / ( @ array [ $ ( $ elems : expr , ) * ] ) => { vec ! [ $ ( $ elems , ) * ] } ;
2  | | ( @ array [ $ ( $ elems : expr ) , * ] ) => { vec ! [ $ ( $ elems ) , * ] } ;
3  | | ( @ array [ $ ( $ elems : expr , ) * ] null $ ( $ rest : tt ) * ) => {
4  | | json_internal ! (
...  |
98 | | @ object object (  ) ( $ ( $ tt ) + ) ( $ ( $ tt ) + ) ) ; object } ) } ; (
   | |                      ^ not found in this scope
99 | | $ other : expr ) => { $ crate :: to_value ( & $ other ) . unwrap (  ) } ;
   | |_________________________________________________________________________- in this expansion of `json_internal!`
  ::: <json macros>:1:1
1  |   ( $ ( $ json : tt ) + ) => { json_internal ! ( $ ( $ json ) + ) } ;
   |   -------------------------------------------------------------------
   |   |                            |
   |   |                            in this macro invocation
   |   in this expansion of `json!`

error: aborting due to 5 previous errors

For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0425`.
error: Could not compile `paysquare`.

To learn more, run the command again with --verbose.

I minimized this further and filed rust-lang/rust#50061 to follow up. Thanks!

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