The compiler fails to infer the type, although it is either known or explicitly specified

I have the following function:

pub fn largest_rectangle_area(heights: Vec<i32>) -> i32 {
    let mut widths = vec![(0usize, heights.len()); heights.len()];
    let mut stack = vec![];

    for (idx, &x) in heights.iter().enumerate() {
        while let Some(&pos) = stack.last() {
            if x >= heights[pos] {

            widths[pos].1 = idx;



Which fails to compile:

error[E0282]: type annotations needed
  --> src/
11 |             widths[pos].1 = idx;
   |             ^^^^^^^^^^^ cannot infer type
   = note: type must be known at this point

But if I change widths[pos].1 = idx to widths[pos] = (0, idx) the code compiles fine:

pub fn largest_rectangle_area(heights: Vec<i32>) -> i32 {
    let mut widths = vec![(0usize, heights.len()); heights.len()];
    let mut stack = vec![];

    for (idx, &x) in heights.iter().enumerate() {
        while let Some(&pos) = stack.last() {
            if x >= heights[pos] {

            widths[pos] = (0, idx); // now it compiles fine


It also compiles fine if I add type annotations for the stack variable, which should be Vec<usize> as its content is coming from .enumerate():

pub fn largest_rectangle_area(heights: Vec<i32>) -> i32 {
    let mut widths = vec![(0usize, heights.len()); heights.len()];
    let mut stack: Vec<usize> = vec![];

    for (idx, &x) in heights.iter().enumerate() {
        while let Some(&pos) = stack.last() {
            if x >= heights[pos] {

            widths[pos].1 = idx; // now it compiles fine


It also compiles fine if I add type annotations for widths like that, but fails with the same error without that type annotation.

pub fn largest_rectangle_area(heights: Vec<i32>) -> i32 {
    let mut widths = vec![(0usize, heights.len()); heights.len()];
    let mut stack = vec![];

    for (idx, &x) in heights.iter().enumerate() {
        while let Some(&pos) = stack.last() {
            if x >= heights[pos] {

            let at_pos: &mut (usize, usize) = &mut widths[pos]; // type annotations added here, although the vec is explicitly initialized with `(usize, usize)`
            at_pos.1 = idx;


So at the end I'm not sure If it fails to infer the type of pos or the type of widths

A user at StackOverflow managed to create the following smaller reproducible example:

fn some_fn() {
    let mut widths = vec![(0usize, 0usize); 100];
    let mut stack = vec![]; 
    //let mut stack:Vec<usize> = vec![]; //why explicit type definition is needed

    let a = stack.pop().unwrap();
    let idx = 0usize;
    widths[a].1 = idx;


Here is the SO question for reference: rust - "Cannot infer type - type annotations needed", but the type is already known - Stack Overflow

Do you have any idea what the issue might be ? Is this a known limitation or a bug in the compiler (I've also opened Problem with type inference · Issue #90252 · rust-lang/rust · GitHub)?

It can't figure out if the vector has item type usize or something else e.g. a range of indexes. There are, after all, quite a few types that can be used to index a vector.

Yea, it fails when I do widths[pos].1 = idx, but succeeds when widths[pos] = (0, idx); without any other changes. So I cannot explain why.

In the other example it fails to recognize the type of the vector which is (usize, usize) because that's how it is declared. So I cannot understand why it fails in that case, because the type is know and it does not need to be inferred.

It seems that it's not about the type of widths, but about the type of stack. Adding this type hint solves it:

let mut stack: Vec<usize> = vec![];

but it could just be a quirk/bug of type inference that depends on the order in which it evaluates things. To index widths it needs to see stack.push(idx) to know it's a vec of usize from idx's type.

@kornel Try the other example:

pub fn largest_rectangle_area(heights: Vec<i32>) -> i32 {
    let mut widths = vec![(0usize, heights.len()); heights.len()];
    let mut stack = vec![];

    for (idx, &x) in heights.iter().enumerate() {
        while let Some(&pos) = stack.last() {
            if x >= heights[pos] {

            let at_pos: &mut (usize, usize) = &mut widths[pos]; // type annotations added here, although the vec is explicitly initialized with `(usize, usize)`
            at_pos.1 = idx;


Now remove the type hint:

   Compiling playground v0.0.1 (/playground)
error[E0282]: type annotations needed for `&mut _`
  --> src/
11 |             let at_pos = &mut  widths[pos];
   |                 ------ consider giving `at_pos` the explicit type `&mut _`, with the type parameters specified
12 |             at_pos.1 = idx;
   |             ^^^^^^^^ cannot infer type
   = note: type must be known at this point

error[E0609]: no field `1` on type `&mut _`
  --> src/
12 |             at_pos.1 = idx;
   |                    ^

So yes - adding explicit Vec<usize> solves the issue, just as adding an explicit &mut (usize, usize) or just by doing widths[pos] = (0, idx)

Why ?

To index widths it needs to see stack.push(idx) to know it's a vec of usize from idx 's type.

That's exactly what's happening at the last line of the loop

Basically, the reason widths[pos] = (0, idx) works is that tells the compiler that the Index::Output type is (usize, usize). Using this, it can tell that the only possible choice for Index is usize. However, when you instead write widths[pos].1 = idx, you are not telling it what the Index::Output type is — all you're saying is that it has a field called 1, and it isn't clever enough to deduce what the actual type is from that information.

As for adding a type annotation for stack, well obviously that tells it the item type of stack, so that also works.

Then there's the let at_pos: &mut (usize, usize) = &mut widths[pos] option. This also works because it's just another way to tell it what the type of Index::Output is.

As for the stack.push(idx) call, well, the compiler will prefer to infer based on the first use of stack.


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