Syntax for function as a function parameter

I was searching for information about how to pass a function as a function parameter and I found the following Reddit post:

The post included the following example along with a link to the code on the Rust Playground: Rust Playground

fn twice(x: int, f: |int| -> int) -> int {
    f(x) + f(x)

fn square(x: int) -> int { x * x }

fn main() {
    twice(5i, square); // evaluates to 50

But compiling the code gives an error:

<anon>:1:21: 1:22 error: expected type, found `|`
<anon>:1 fn twice(x: int, f: |int| -> int) -> int { f(x) + f(x) }
playpen: application terminated with error code 101

I assume that the example worked in the past and that the syntax has changed since it was posted. I'd be curious to know what the correct syntax is now.

Take a look at the Closure section in the rust book : Closures

Specifically the section on "Taking closures as arguments"

fn twice<F>(x: i32, f: F) -> i32 
where F: Fn(i32) -> i32
    f(x) + f(x)

fn square(x: i32) -> i32 { x * x }

fn main() {
    println!("{}", twice(5, square));
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A variation on this is to take it as a trait object:

fn twice(x: i32, f: &Fn(i32) -> i32) -> i32 {
    f(x) + f(x)

fn square(x: i32) -> i32 { x * x }

fn main() {
    println!("{}", twice(5, &square));

If you're absolutely sure you don't want closures, there's

fn twice(x: i32, f: fn(i32) -> i32) -> i32 {
    f(x) + f(x)
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A related question I had is what is the difference between Fn and fn? I see both are used in your post and I've seen both used in different contexts elsewhere, but I don't know exactly what the difference between the two is.

The Fn* traits are covered in the 'Closures' chapter linked above.

fn is just a function pointer, these are mostly useful for interacting with different languages (see the 'FFI' chapter).

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It's also discussed here and in the surrounding sections. This drew heavily upon huonw's excellent analysis though it doesn't mention fn() at all.

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