Switching layout on button click Qt

Thanks for the help both! This is the working code to finally make multiple pages in Qt!

#![windows_subsystem = "windows"]

//Importing the required stuff
use cpp_core::{Ptr, Ref, StaticUpcast, CppDeletable};
use qt_core::{qs, slot, ContextMenuPolicy, QBox, QObject, QPoint, SlotNoArgs, QString};
use qt_widgets::{
    QAction, QApplication, QLineEdit, QMenu, QMessageBox, QPushButton, QLabel, QTableWidget,
    QTableWidgetItem, QVBoxLayout, QWidget, SlotOfQPoint, SlotOfQTableWidgetItemQTableWidgetItem,
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::cell::RefCell;

//Struct for Main window
struct MainWindow {
    widget: QBox<QWidget>,
    button: QBox<QPushButton>,

//From form-struct to base-struct ??? 
impl StaticUpcast<QObject> for MainWindow {
    unsafe fn static_upcast(ptr: Ptr<Self>) -> Ptr<QObject> {

//Implementing functions for MainWindow
impl MainWindow {
    //Defining all the graphical elements in MainWindow
    //Returns the MainWindow in a Reference Counted Smart Pointer so it can have multiple owners
    //and doesn't get destroyed until it has no owners anymore
    fn new() -> Rc<MainWindow> {
        unsafe {
            let widget = QWidget::new_0a();
            let layout = QVBoxLayout::new_1a(&widget);

            let label = QLabel::new();
            label.set_text(&qs("Label A!"));

            let button = QPushButton::from_q_string(&qs("Click me."));


            let this = Rc::new(Self {

    //Binding functions/slots to elements etc
    unsafe fn init(self: &Rc<Self>) {

    //Slots/Functions for buttons
    //Function to build the second screen
    unsafe fn build_option_a(self: &Self) {
        //DELETING all buttons, labels,...
        for i in 0..self.widget.layout().count() {
            let it = self.widget.layout().take_at(i);
            if let Some(wi) = it.dynamic_cast::<QWidgetItem>().as_ref() {
        self.button.delete(); //Somehow needed to delete the button as well, maybe because it's defined as a struct property? 

        //Building new layout etc
        let layout = QVBoxLayout::new_1a(&self.widget);

        let label = QLabel::new();
        label.set_text(&qs("Label B!"));

fn main() {
    QApplication::init(|_| unsafe {
        let _mw = MainWindow::new();

I only don't understand line 80. I had to remove that button separately, why didn't it get deleted in the for loop? Because of it's longer lifetime because it's defined as a struct property?

@Riateche And the issue with StackedLayout is that I have no idea on how to implement that.
If you look at this page they give some C++ examples. In those examples the stackedLayout is kinda the parent holding the widgets as children. So for each page I'd have to make a different widget. But in Rust I need to upcast those widgets to keep them visible, but I can only upcast one

//From form-struct to base-struct ??? 
impl StaticUpcast<QObject> for MainWindow {
    unsafe fn static_upcast(ptr: Ptr<Self>) -> Ptr<QObject> {
        //I tried this but didn't work (because of the return type of the function of course):

So I thought I'd make a vector of widgets in the struct MainWindow, but also that didn't work.
Tl;dr, I actually have no idea on how to make my struct MainWindow and what properties to use for it to work with a stackedlayout holding multiple widgets.