Sum of array of structs

I have the following definition:

struct A {
a : u8

impl Add for A
fn add(self, rhs : A) -> Self
return A{self.a + rhs.a};

fn main() -> ()
let arr : [A; 3] = [a, a2, a3];
let a : A = arr.iter().sum();

How can I get this work?

Please have a read through this post to see how to format code so others can read it:

What errors are you seeing? Please include them in your post and then re-read the error message so you know why the compiler is complaining.

I'd suggest removing the whole impl Add for A and reading the compile error you get from the let a: A = arr.iter().sum() line to see which traits are needed to make some_iterator.sum() work (hint: maybe Add isn't what you want).


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