Suggestions to the site's UI

I wanted to suggest to imrpove the UI of this site, as Brave (browser) has managed to do so with their Discourse website. Not a huge deal but it does look nice.

If it's just the dark theme you're after GitHub - StylishThemes/Discourse-Dark: 🏛️ Darken Discourse forums is working perfectly for me here. If it's using rounded borders and drop-shadows etc. I have no real opinion on those.

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Is it possible to install it on Rust for myself (if that makes anysense)?

Just follow the link Nemo gave you:

Stylish themes and other browser extensions work just fine on desktop browsers, but not so well on mobile (e.g. Chrome on Android). Discourse has themes built in, and I use its dark theme on other Discourse servers where it has been enabled; without it, I'm much less likely to participate in a Discourse forum.

It would be really nice if a site operator could please turn on the dark theme for users. It's not hard to do: you can go into Admin -> Customize area and create a non-default theme with the Dark color pallet.


Check out Firefox for Android, it has add-on support. And likely there is also one for user styles… :smiley:

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I've added a dark theme, which you can now enable in the "Interface" section of the preferences page. (You might need to reload the site for the new theme to appear in the preferences.)


This looks great! Only problem: The rust logo should be white on the dark-red background.


I can probably get to this next week if none of the other admins do, see my other comment on IRLO

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