Suggestion for making Rust's trait system more usable for generics

Part of the problem also being that community behind Rust is yet to narrow down on the target market. While OO is still used extensively, the sort of old school OO (GoF patterns, heavy reliance on inheritance etc.) is increasingly limited to enterprise-y business applications. Thanks, to likes of Javascript, Python, Ruby and friends, more people are fairly comfortable in hybrid environments. What is needed is "thinking in traits" instead of "thinking in objects and state" which is so heavily drilled into many of us via our university curriculum.

Rust cannot be everything for everyone yet. May be it is better to identify a target market (which could be systems engineering, web-servers, game-engines or anything else) and focus a couple of years making the language healthy for the target market and see how things shape up.

In any case, Rust still needs it's killer platform (web-framework/game-engine etc.) which provides compelling reasons for developers to adopt it or a big-corp driving the adoption.