Structure as a generic parameter

Hi people!
How can a structure be used as a template parameter?
The following code will not compile.

struct Point {

    x: f64,
    y: f64,


impl Point {

  fn new() -> Self {
       Self {x: 0., y: 0.}


struct User {

    point: T,


impl User {

    fn new() -> Self {

          Self { point: T::new() }



How to solve this problem?

Traits. Your code will not compile because there's nothing telling the compiler that the type T you're using in your User struct has the new method. It's solved quite simply:

trait Usable {
   fn new() -> Self;

impl Usable for Point {
  fn new() -> Self {
    // your impl

struct User<T: Usable> {
  thing: T

impl<T: Usable> User<T> {
  fn new() -> {
    Self { thing: T::new() }
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Thank you very much for your prompt response!

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BTW, in this case there's an existing Default trait.


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