I read messages from a socket using an iterator. those messages will be parsed and the result shall be passed as another iterator to a consumer. There are four possible reactions for each message:
- IO read error -> abort with error
- the message is of wrong type -> skip
- the message is of type close -> stop iterating
- the message is valid -> return message
My Iterator returns a Result<> to handle 1. and 4. but it would be nice if the iterator behaves like a drained one after the first error.
I solved 2. by using filter_map().
I still need a solution for 3. I guess it could be done with a take_while() but I don't know how to write that without introducing helper enums.
let map_filter = |wsr: WebSocketResult<OwnedMessage>| -> Option<Result<MessageData, Error>> {
match wsr {
Ok(raw_ws_message) => {
match raw_ws_message {
OwnedMessage::Binary(data) => { // this is fine
OwnedMessage::Text(text) => { // this shall be skipped
OwnedMessage::Close(_) => { // this shall end the iteration gracefully
Err(err) => { // this shall return an error (and it would optimally end the iteration afterwards)
let mut message_data_stream = raw_ws_message_stream.filter_map(map_filter);
for message_data in message_data_stream {
My solution already feels cumbersome and would become even worse without help.