std::cmp::Ordering as {integer}

I was worried because rustdoc didn't show the values for the enum variants.

Does stable refer to the particular integer representation as well as the name of the enum variant?

That would mean,

#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
pub enum Ordering {

Here, stable refers to enum Ordering but not to the repr annotation?

My use case is the following:

unsafe extern "C" fn compare_function<T>(a: *const lmdb::MDB_val, b: *const lmdb::MDB_val) -> c_int
    T: ?Sized + Storable,
    let a: &[u8] =
        slice::from_raw_parts((*a).mv_data as *const u8, (*a).mv_size.try_into().unwrap());
    let b: &[u8] =
        slice::from_raw_parts((*b).mv_data as *const u8, (*b).mv_size.try_into().unwrap());
    match T::cmp_bytes_unchecked(a, b) {
        Ordering::Less => -1,
        Ordering::Equal => 0,
        Ordering::Greater => 1,