Specialization: impl repeats parameter `'source`

Hello there,

I am aware that the specialization feature is still unstable, but I was wondering if there was a way to circumvent my problem.

Here, I would like to implement two specializations of Convert: one for String and one for &str.
While the former works very well, the latter does not compile. Do you know if there is any way such that I could manage to implement Convert for &str specifically?

Thanks in advance!



trait Convert<'source> {
    fn convert(src: &'source str) -> Self;

impl<'source, T> Convert<'source> for T 
where T:
    From<&'source str>
    default fn convert(src: &'source str) -> Self {

impl<'source> Convert<'source> for String {
    default fn convert(src: &'source str) -> Self {

impl<'source> Convert<'source> for &'source str {
    default fn convert(src: &'source str) -> Self {

fn main() {



   Compiling playground v0.0.1 (/playground)
error: specializing impl repeats parameter `'source`
  --> src/main.rs:22:1
22 | impl<'source> Convert<'source> for &'source str {
   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

error: could not compile `playground` due to previous error

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