Sort char in a String

Hi, I want to sort char in a String, e.g. input "acdbe", output "abcde". I changed &str to Vec<char>, sort it, then concat() it. But compiler said Output Type is not specified, how to solve it? Thanks!
BTW, is there any simpler approach?

fn main () {
    let s = "acdbe";
    let mut l:Vec<char> = s.chars().collect();
    let j:String = l.concat();
error[E0599]: the method `concat` exists for struct `Vec<char>`, but its trait bounds were not satisfied
 --> src\
5 |     let j:String = l.concat();
  |                      ^^^^^^ method cannot be called on `Vec<char>` due to unsatisfied trait bounds
  = note: the following trait bounds were not satisfied:
          `<[char] as Concat<_>>::Output = _`

concat deals in strs, so you want collect again:

fn main() {
    let s = "acdbe";
    let mut l: Vec<char> = s.chars().collect();
    let j: String = l.into_iter().collect();
    println!("{}", j);
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Thank you!

Note that Rust chars are Unicode scalar values, so you may get weird results when sorting them as you may break apart graphemes.

The unicode_segmentation crate can split on graphemes if that's better suited to your use case. (Although I'm sure this isn't proper Unicode collation either...)


Thank you!

For example, the sort may disperse the family.


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