Simple menu, for a newbie?

Hi, I have this piece and ran fine. Another way ?

use std::{fs, io};

fn cat() {
    println!("Hello Cat !");

fn dog() {
    println!("Hello Dog !");

fn main_menu() {
    // reading option    
    loop {
    println!("-----------------------\n * PANEL *\n-----------------------
[1] Cat
[2] Dog      
[0] Exit\n
Welcome, select option:
----------------------- ");
        let mut input = String::new();
        let stdin_preset = io::stdin();
        stdin_preset.read_line(&mut input).unwrap();
        match input.trim_end() { // this method kill "\n" at the end
            "1" => { println!("Choice Cat !");
            "2" => { println!("Choice Dog !");
            "0" => { println!("Bye!");
            _ => println!("Incorrect. Choice [0-2]"),

fn main() {

It's a good usage of the match statement. I suggest everybody to format their code with rustfmt. If you get used to its formatting, it'll become much easier to read other peoples code.

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