Set linker from within build script

Is there a way to set/override the linker binary from within a file?
I would like to set it to the binary name I retrieve from a PKG_CONFIG information for cross-compilation.
Setting the environment variable CARGO_TARGET_<triple>_LINKER before calling cargo build or setting it in config.toml works.

So far I found/tried the following without success:

  • I found some (old) references to println!("cargo:rustc-linker=<linker>"); but that doesn't seem to do anything.
  • The "cargo:rustc-link-arg" only adds options to the linker, but can't select it.
  • The "cargo:rustc-env" seems to set environment variables visible to the compiled source code
  • Using std::env::set::var("CARGO_TARGET_<triple>_LINKER", "linker"); also doesn't work
  • cargo::rustc-flags=FLAGS only allows for -l or -L flags, but not -C linker=

I don't think there is a way to do this. If it was added, how should multiple build scripts setting the linker to different values be handled?

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