will bomb if there is no value under /x already. How do I assign a new value then?
x could be an array, for instance, if /x/0 is not assigned, how do I assign it? I would need to add an item to the array, I guess.
And other question. Serde also seems to have a problem with types, if x has a value that is i32 and then I try to assign a value that is a string, using pointer_mut, it's going to complain. In JavaScript anything goes. I guess I could "take" the value and assign the new one but I am back to the first question.
I'd probably get the parent node of x, treat it as a JSON object and use the API that serde_json provides for it:
fn main() {
let mut value = serde_json::json!({
"some_key": {},
.insert("x".to_owned(), "whatever value you want to assign".into());
That being said, I wouldn't necessarily use Value in the first place, if I could avoid doing so. Working with a dynamically typed data representation such as JSON in a strongly typed language like Rust, you'll inevitably have to deal with a lot more verbosity. So if possible, I would parse the JSON object at hand into native types before modifying those instead.