Rustfmt skips macro arguments?

It is not fairly straightforward: it requires full early name resolution + macro expansion. And for the argument that it's zero-cost, it will either make people not use this feature or this "zero-cost" will have no meaning.

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Perhaps there is a way to explicitly mark a region of source code for formatting, for example, with a special comment? Something in the tune of:

tokio::select! (
        _ = futures::future::ready(true) => {
            // rustfmt: format
            foo("first very very long argument", "second very very long argument")

This issue affects many macros that take large tts of Rust code as arguments. Kinda needs to get resolved.

We can do better by using an attribute:

tokio::select! (
        _ = futures::future::ready(true) => {
            #[rustfmt::macro(rules = "/path/to/DSL/formatting/rules")]
            foo("first very very long argument", "second very very long argument")

But yeah even then it's still an open question how the definitions will be resolved and applied at that stage of the compilation process.

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