Hello, RustDT 0.2.0 has been released. Please take a look at the changelog:
I recommend reading the new UserGuide sections (if you've already read the UserGuide previously), they're quite short anyways.
Some notes and feedback I'd like to get from the community:
The default code snippets are very few. There really is only the forin one in there. If you know of useful snippets that should be part of the RustDT defaults, let me know here: Improve/add more default code snippets. · Issue #16 · RustDT/RustDT · GitHub (I haven't propely learned Rust yet - only Hello World stuff - so I couldn't figure this out myself)
Is there a tool that could parse Rust code and output an AST in an easy to parse format, like JSON? It doesn't even have to be the complete AST - just the top level named elements of the source file. The goal here would be to provide editor structural functionality: outline and code folding.
Anyone has a clue why Rust pretty printers don't work on Windows? Also, which GDB is recommended, if any (MinGW-w64, TDM-GCC?).
One more thing, to the Rust developers: the sources of the Rust standard library should be included in the standard Rust installer. This is so tools like Racer can use them (without have to download the whole Rust source), as well as possibly interactive debugging (stepping into library code and checking variables,args,etc., of library code).
Congrats on the release. RustDT is very promising.
Here's the issue for installing source: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/19535. I'm not sure yet the best way to do it. Adding docs to the installer has already drawn consternation for the bloat. I'm interested in pursuing an 'online' installer that only downloads components on demand, which would free us up to package more stuff.
This is a good place for posting announcements, though many people prefer /r/rust since it gets more visibility.
It's quite common amongst IDEs to pull source code and/or debugging symbols on demand from a symbol server when navigating or debugging into foreign libraries.
I don't really know if thats worth all the work or if it's even viable solution for the rust ecosystem (I'm also a rust newbie), just a suggestion.
Would agree with pulling the documentation from a server.
Javadoc is more an exception and even there I'm mostly using the web-bindings because of their actuality.
But I could imagine some kind of API for doc requests, easier to parse for an IDE and with more specific responses on methods or traits, then simply scrambling the website.
Pulling documentation from a server? Why make things that complicated? -> Mind you, you'd have issues about matching your downloaded Rust version to the exact online documentation and source version (it's not just documentation). And the sources particularly would have to match exactly the Rust version or things wouldn't work properly, at least for debugging.
All this trouble because some people don't want to download roughly the same amount bytes it takes to watch a 5 second cat youtube video?...