October 12, 2024, 10:53pm
let mut tree_vec = ManuallyDrop (Vec::< *mut tree_of_prox >::new() );
let _kids =Box::into_raw ( Box::new( tree_vec ) );`
use console::truncate_str;
use once_cell::sync::Lazy;
use nix::sys::wait::wait;
use nix::unistd::{fork, ForkResult, getpid, getppid, execve};
use std::env;
use std::{ ffi::CString, env::var, num::NonZero };
use crate::globs18::take_list_adr;
use crate::update18::delay_secs;
use procfs::process::all_processes;
use crate::{errMsg0, getkey, helpful_math_ops, save_file_append_newline_abs_adr_fast, split_once, STRN};
use std::ptr; use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::mem::{ManuallyDrop, forget};
#[derive( Debug )]
pub struct tree_of_prox {
ppid: i32 ,
//ppid: nix::unistd::Pid,
up: *mut tree_of_prox,
kids: *mut Vec< *mut tree_of_prox >,
proxid_of_kid: *mut Vec < i32 >,
direction_to_count: bool,
This file has been truncated. show original
compiler falls in endless loop.
This older blog post may help in reducing the example to figure out what part is causing the compiler error. I originally found it linked on this forum.
Rust Bug Minimization Patterns
With a minimal example that produces the same compiler error, it may be easier to understand the issue.
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